Award-Winning Blog

Time Sensitive Alert on Paycheck Protection Program 2.0

We just learned of this FREE webinar on the the new version of PPP taking place TODAY—Thursday at 4:00 p.m . Eastern, 1:00 p.m. Pacific time. This is short notice, but if you register now, even though you can’t attend,  a recording and slides from the webinar will be e-mailed to you.  BUT ONLY IF […]

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On Stupidity

Most fundraisers know about the Pareto Principle—that 80% of an organization’s revenue comes from 20%, or fewer,  of its donors.  This handy rule of fundraising is a bastardization of the work of the 19th century Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, whose groundbreaking work helped develop the field modern economics with its data-oriented, scientific approach. Last evening […]

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Coming to America

No. This isn’t about that “Coming to America”. Although the movie written by and starring Eddie Murphy is always worth a mention. You’ll recall,  in that romantic comedy an extremely pampered African Prince travels to Queens, New York, and goes undercover to find a wife. Today we’re focused instead on one of fundraising’s all-time favorite events […]

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Pure Nudges, Preference Nudges or Boosts?

Behavioral Science is too often being reduced down to a poor understanding of behavioral economics and an even poorer understanding of nudges, treating them as parlor tricks, akin to visual illusions. Nudges aren’t predictions about what people will do, they are observations.  For example, in certain situations people will tend to go with whatever is […]

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Importance of Donor Experience in the Pandemic

Back in November we recommended to readers the event, Fundraising In The Tine Of Covid hosted by the UK’s Chartered Institute of Fundraising and prepared by their Supporter Experience Special Interest Group which aims to inspire and persuade organizations to improve their donors’ experience. Apparently, the event was a rousing success.  In fact, our friend Giles […]

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Funding the Insurrection

Even before the violent mob stormed the Capitol on January 6th, disrupting the joint session convened to confirm Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory and  leaving five people dead, 139 U.S. Representatives and 14 U.S. Senators indicated they planned to join in objecting to the votes of one or more states. Even more disgusting and dangerous […]

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