Award-Winning Blog

Trump’s or Biden’s Convention Speech: Which Was Better?

There are myriad ways to answer that question. We chose to stay above the opining fray and analyzed each speech based on linguistic features using our Copy Optimizer. As a refresher, the Copy Optimizer analyzes parts of speech by tagging each word and using algorithms to ‘dimensionalize” parts of speech on two continuums, Involving vs. […]

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Going Postal

I live a split existence.  Part of my day is devoted to writing copy aimed at defeating Donald Trump and helping the people he harms.  The other part is devoted to ferreting out information and insights I hope are of empirical help to you and other Agitator readers. This professional paradox is certainly present when […]

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If Money Were a Person

Stop me if you’ve heard this one.  A dollar bill walks into a bar… Anthropomorphism, that mouthful of a word with onomatopoeia (now we’re just doing a weird flex, Google it) like qualities is when we imbue objects or animals with human qualities. You know,  like The Little Engine Who Could or Winnie the Pooh […]

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The Case for More Abstraction in Fundraising

People give to achieve a goal and reinforce their values.   Those goals and values differ based on the subconscious Identity “hat” the donor is wearing (e.g. Globalist when considering a gift to UNICEF, Conservationist when giving to The Nature Conservancy, Dog lover when giving to the local humane society). But they aren’t really giving to […]

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Back to The Future

Marketing scholars had the chance to work with a local chapter of a national health charity.  This is their story. The local chapter in Texas had limited funds and internal capacity and despite this, or perhaps because of it, the academics were able to experiment. The academic’s situation analysis revealed the following challenges, An uninformed […]

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The Weak-Minded Nonsense of Generational Marketing

One of our most enjoyable and simultaneously painful Don Quixote quests is attacking the windmills of horseshit that are generational marketing and other random segmentation schemes posing as human insight. We’ve cited reams of evidence and data galore undermining the weak-minded nonsense of generational marketing, the clusterf#$% of cluster analysis and personas to nowhere. (Here, […]

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