Award-Winning Blog

Riding the Unicorn

Like hunting dogs ranging back and forth in pursuit of a scent far too many fundraisers, often egged on by their boards and CEOs in search of a silver bullet, are chasing the next new thing. Fundamentals and proven basic practices be damned. I suspect the reason lies somewhere between some folks’ inherent love of […]

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A Giving Tuesday Surprise

I hope everyone is having a wonderful, profitable Giving Tuesday today.  In celebration of this nonprofit holiday, I’m offering the Kindle version of my book The New Nonprofit for $2.99 today only.  Hope you enjoy! Nick

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Two Low/No Cost Tips to Boost Year-End Revenue

Time’s running out.  It’s too late to implement some elaborate year-end strategy. BUT…here are two Agitator tips –one free and one costing no more than $20—that any organization, small or large, can put in place quickly and easily to boost year-end revenue. Tip #1:  Database Address Update.  Estimated Potential Benefit: 5%-7% Revenue Boost   [Estimated […]

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Happy Thanksgiving!

We are grateful for the time you give The Agitator. We are grateful for your thoughts and Comments.                                   We are grateful for the work you do for Others. We are grateful for YOU. Happy Thanksgiving! Roger and Nick […]

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Improving Your (envelope) Open Rates

These direct marketing kids today… what with their emails and their analytics and their Facebooks — they don’t know how hard it used to be.  Back in my day, we sent people letters.  You couldn’t measure open rates!  You’d just see if they sent back their check and hoped they opened it!  And the mail […]

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Will Your #GivingTuesday Campaign Drown In A Sea of Sameness?

December 3rd marks the seventh anniversary of  GivingTuesday which has grown from an idea spawned at the 92ndStreet Y in New York City has grown into a global movement involving thousands of organizations and millions of donors and is now its own organization. So far in its 7 years GivingTuesday’s organizers claim the event has […]

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