Award-Winning Blog

How You Can Tell the Truth With Data

Monday, we talked about how other people lie.  Here’s how you can tell the truth – effectively. It’s the last part that’s important.  Anyone can present data honestly.  But giant wads of data aren’t compelling. This is problematic because there is a war going on.  It’s between two types of marketing people: art versus science.  […]

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How Other People Lie With Data

Not you, of course.  You are a moral upright person who wants to paint only the most accurate possible pictures of where you are and where you are going. With the knowledge of statistics comes the responsibility of presenting them effectively.  My first nonprofit boss used to say that if you interrogate the data, it […]

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Behavioral Science Tips for #GivingTuesday and Year-End

The other day a Tweet from Aimee Vance (@NPOfriend) caught my eye with the question: End of Year Goal Thermometer on the donation page. Yea? Nay?  What say ye? The string of replies were all over the lot:  “Depends”….”Hard NAY—unless the volunteers/board helping meet the goal have it as part of their culture already. We […]

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Conference Slides We Never Need See Again

A colleague had been on a webinar and had to vent: “The webinar was about email marketing tactics and, at the end, they had a bullet point that said: Don’t forget about digital.  On an email marketing webinar.” she said. Turns out, that’s not uncommon.  There are the bullet points, slides, or even full presentation […]

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Are You Ready for Fundraising’s Changing Data Future?

As the current era of internet search and third-party cookies nears its end and the era of consumer privacy looms, I fear most organizations are ill-prepared. That’s understandable since no big changes are yet evident: the California Consumer Privacy Protect Act doesn’t take effect until January 2020, the CCPA has an exemption for nonprofits (but […]

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Audience Building Outside of Google and Facebook

So far this week we’ve painted a darkening picture on how to build your audience with the Goofle and Facebook behemoths..  How about some good news and some good places to build your audience?  A few thoughts: Twitter.  Last year, Facebook eliminated a decent amount of third-party data from ad targeting (likely because they had […]

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