Award-Winning Blog

The Real Limited Resource

The real limited resource isn’t money.  Sure, budgets are tight for most.  But if you found a magic box where you put one dollar in and got two dollars out immediately, I’ll wager phrases like “hiring freeze,” “unbudgeted expense,” and “budgeting cycle” would be thrown out the window pretty quickly. (Also, you’d have to decide […]

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Are Smaller Organizations Missing Out on The Direct Mail Advantage?

I’m getting more curious and more concerned about why so many nonprofits sector so neglect the “basics.” Simple things like updating addresses. Identifying deceased donors. Or promptly sending a prompt and truly heartfelt “thank you”—on paper… in an envelope… with a stamp. “Basics” that are considered mundane but left unattended damage every organization. Many caring […]

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The Donor Upgrade Conundrum

Every day on her way to work, a woman walks by the same bagel stand run by a guy who is clearly selling these bagels to survive.  So every day, that woman drops a dollar in the mug and leaves without asking for a bagel. One day, she feels a tug on her sleeve as […]

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Everyone Loves Fireworks

… except parents with babies trying to get them to sleep.  And many dogs and their owners.  And those suffering from trauma where loud, explosive noises are a trigger.  And others.  For them, it’s negative. Everyone loves ice cream… except the lactose intolerant.  And dieters.  And vegans.  And those who don’t like the taste.  And […]

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Revolutionary Fundraising

On July 4th we Americans will celebrate our Independence Day, called such because Amxit is a mouthful. I wanted to focus on the fundraisers – as ever, the real unsung heroes of the revolution.  The techniques and the situation may sound very modern… Urgent need.  In 1780, the Continental Army surrendered Charleston to the British […]

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F-2-F Part 4: What Data Makes a Difference and How to Get It

It’s more than ironic that a large nonprofit employing both a $5 million direct response acquisition program and a F-2-F program costing the same $5 million will cumulatively spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on the preparation of their direct mail package, but totally neglect any significant investment in the training and monitoring […]

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