Award-Winning Blog

Creating Communities With a Purpose

I find it fascinating that so many commercial organisations are focussed on creating movements and communities. It is a huge threat to our organisations, as the boundaries between for-profit and non-profit become increasingly blurred. Think back to Nike’s advertisement with Colin Kaepernick last year. How many charities would’ve been brave enough to run such a […]

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Donor Experience Requires Employee Experience

‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’ – this oft used phrase has become a bit of a cliché, but it’s worth taking a moment to consider what it means. Put simply, you can have the best plan in the world, but if your organisation doesn’t have the people and processes to make it happen, then it’s […]

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What’s Your Return on Experience?

“in addition to the traditional return on investment (ROI) metrics used to determine a company’s success, PwC believes it’s time to introduce another metric, one with a focus on customer experience…Measuring ‘return on experience’ (ROX), will help you understand your earnings on investments in the parts of your company directly related to how people interact […]

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Speed Round: 7 Updates on 7 Issues

It’s spring, so it’s time for a bit of housecleaning.  Here are updates from the research, field, or my own fevered brain on the Agitator posts you know and love. The return on customer experience.  We talk a lot about the importance of donor experience.  In fact, Craig Linton, who you may know from Fundraising […]

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Death Is Our Friend

She cleared her throat. Laughed a little in spite of herself. And then said, “Have you ever seen a U-Haul following a hearse? You can’t take it with you!“ Thus…with this brief account of their conversation with a legacy donor authors Fraser Green, Holly Wagg and Charlotte Field explain how they chose the title for […]

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The Grit In The Machine

“The danger of computers becoming like humans is not as great as the danger of humans becoming like computers.” – Konrad Zuse, builder of the first programmable computer Fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation will recognize the order “Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.” as the standard drink order of the most British Frenchman ever*, Captain […]

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