Award-Winning Blog

Native Advertising: Can It Be More Than Clickbait?

As our donor pools shrink from overfishing, it’s important for us to bring new people to giving and philanthropy.  To date our business models are built on  a cornerstone of getting people who give to care about our organization.  But, to insure a brighter future we need to look beyond this and motivate folks who […]

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The Definition of Fundraising Success

We’ve talked about a few different definitions this week, and about what is and isn’t important.  Now I’ll pose a question to which I have a possible answer, but I look to you to give alternate definitions. What is fundraising success? I’m thinking there are two components: Your organization’s doors stay open and you progress […]

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Knew or should have known

“What about our telemarketing program?” We know donors who give you their preferences are worth more.  And we know asking for preferences makes people more likely to opt in. But this was the big fear from a person who runs their nonprofit’s telemarketing program: if we allow people to opt out of using the phone, […]

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Satisfaction vs. Effectiveness

At DonorVoice, we are constantly monitoring the satisfaction of donors.  Was it easy to donate online?  How was your experience with that canvasser?  How satisfied were you with that event? It may surprise you, then, to hear me say that you can have donors who are satisfied by an experience and it doesn’t matter at […]

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Identity vs. Persona

  In talking about donor identities,  people will often say they’ve tried personas and they haven’t worked like they thought they would.  Therefore, they aren’t going to invest more in seeking donor identities. HOWEVER…just as with donor commitment and engagement that I covered yesterday, donor identities and personas are fundamentally different.  Personas are usually created […]

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Commitment vs Engagement

At first blush the terms “donor commitment” and “donor engagement”  sound similar.  After all, is it not a truth universally acknowledged, that a loyal donor in possession of strong commitment, must also want to be engaged beyond beyond their donation? No! It is possible to be committed to an organization,  but not engaged with that […]

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