Award-Winning Blog

I Hate the Big Check Photo

Every nonprofit has a photo like this somewhere: Yes, it’s a photo that your corporate partner can use on their Web site or in their annual report as a way of showing their commitment to the community.  And, among a still-sadly-plurality-older-white-male business community, the big check sends the message to other business people in the […]

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A tale of two acquisition methods

You have two canvassers recruiting recurring donors for your nonprofit: Jack and Diane. (Names changed to protect innocent and guilty alike; all statistics are real.) Jack brought in 88 donors in your latest canvassing campaign. Diane brought in 72 donors. Traditionally, that’s how canvassers would be measured: Jack brought in 25% more donors; he is […]

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I Hate The Way We Fail New Fundraisers

Whenever I’m at a loss to describe a problem I turn to the dog-eared volumes in my fundraising library for help. Currently– like many others– I’m wrestling with the issues of turnover and the levels of skill in our trade. More and more nonprofits (47% more in the past decade) are in need of “fundraisers”. […]

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Why I Hate the Donor Pyramid

All pyramids are lies: They have a dishonest scheme named after them. They will not keep your razor blades sharp or apples fresh. They messed up the four food groups. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs isn’t really true (there are fundamental needs, but there isn’t a hierarchy and people pursue different “level” needs simultaneously). Even the […]

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Why I Hate Sugarcoating Issues

I was looking for studies that had been done on what type of images are effective in nonprofit direct marketing.  So I headed over to Google Scholar and searched for “use pictures fundraising appeals.” You would have thought I was searching for snuff films.  Here are some of the titles of journal articles that faced […]

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Rage Donations: Give Before You Explode!

Trump’s politically-inspired human rights horror show featuring state-sponsored kidnapping of refugee children and the torture-by-trauma of their imprisoned parents has triggered a tsunami of rage –and rage giving — worth noting, As was the case after the president’s announcement of the Muslim Ban and his other post-election actions, a flood of  responses –financial and in-kind– […]

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