Award-Winning Blog

Understanding Donor Relationships

Tom and I’ve been focusing lots on the importance of ‘donor-focused fundraising’ and essential ‘donor experiences’. In fact, we’ve invited Agitator readers to join us on February 17th for a free webinar on fixing the donor experience. Fixing the problem of donor loss or seizing the opportunity of donor loyalty begins with an understanding of […]

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Videos Boost E-Purchases. And Donations?

One item on my short ‘To do’ list for 2015 was mastering the use of online video. Here are some recent studies indicating why that is important. The first is from Liveclicker, an e-commerce firm whose clients generate more than 12.5 million video plays per quarter. In a survey of their clients, 88% reported an […]

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What Is ‘Donacanto Serto’?

No, it’s not an Italian dessert wine, Tom! In Esperanto, the international auxiliary language, ‘donacanto sperto’ translates into ‘donor experience’. And whether used by fundraisers speaking Esperanto, French, Spanish, German, English or Urdu, this buzzword raises the legitimate questions: “What is it?” and “Why should I care?” I suspect no one is quite sure because […]

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You’ve Been Weeded!

Suppose a donor said this to you … “I’ve decided to weed my giving garden. I’ve been giving faithfully to a dozen organizations, but I’m going to cut back by the end of the year to six at most. Why should you be one of those six? Take your time; I don’t need the answer […]

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But Why?

Let me suggest that for fundraisers there are three levels of analysis — three forms of perspective — about what’s going on with donors. Here are my terms for them: 1. Ignorespective 2. Retrospective 3. Introspective Now, ‘Ignorespective’ (pronounced IGno-respective) really means no analysis or perspective at all. Just keep on doing. Pedal to the […]

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Fixing The Donor Experience

I just noticed this — not unfamiliar — fundraiser’s lament from the trenches: “Our donors don’t appreciate us!” Phil McCorkle, writing a column in the Salem, Oregon Statesman Journal directed at any and all donors who might be reading (i.e., not specifically the donors to his own nonprofit), says: “Over the course of 28 years […]

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