Award-Winning Blog

Rx for Fundraisers

If ever most of us could use some uplifting tonic following the Mug Shot Weekend, it’s now.  In fact, I’d argue we really need a double dose. Thus, today’s help-us-heal and lift up our sight’s elixir. It’s been 15 years ago this month since the indomitable Harvey McKinnon and his co-author Azim Jamal released their […]

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The Enshittification of Digital Donor Acquisition 

It’s no secret, it’s increasingly difficult and expensive finding new donors online. Remember the Facebook ads glory days in the 2010s? It seemed all we had to do was upload a list of performing donors, spawn some lookalike audiences, toss in some photos with the right aspect ratios, slap a good caption on it, then […]

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Six Golden Writing Rules

Eric Arthur Blair, better known by his pen name George Orwell, wrote, “Politics and the English Language” in 1946.  He hated empty and obscure prose.  His culprits were, Dying metaphors: essentially clichés, which “have lost all evocative power and are merely used because they save people the trouble of inventing phrases for themselves.” We won’t […]

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Fitts Law and Your Donor’s Mouse (or Finger)

Paul Fitts, a psychologist from the 50’s realized many errors attributed to human fallacy were, in fact, due to poor design. His studies led to Fitts’s Law, which states that the time it takes to move to a target (like a donation button) depends on the target’s size and its distance from the starting point. […]

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AI Insta-Videos

I find myself wondering whether the AI hype train will hurl itself off the tracks or continue laying track and accelerating to the moon.  It’s probably both. Put this particular app into the latter category.  You can see the watermark, it’s called Pictory.AI. The app’s claim is using AI to convert your long form, text […]

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Is That Story Real or Fake?

There’s lots of sector interest in storytelling and making it feel authentic.  Is a real story ever fake? If it walks like a fake story and talks like one then the reader will feel it as such, whether it’s “authentic” or not. On the flip side, AI generated stories, which are objectively fake, can feel […]

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