Award-Winning Blog

All Segmented Up and Nowhere to Go

Why create segments?  The only reason is you believe Different Strokes was something other than an early 80s sitcom. But what makes people different isn’t the question.  Some people like red hats, others blue; knowing that won’t help you raise more money. What are the different reasons people support your charity is closer to the […]

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Your Beneficiary is Too Far Away to Help

If I show you a beautiful, scenic picture from 5 feet away you will appreciate and feel it more than if I show it to you 50 feet away. We humans apply this same logic to charitable giving, assuming more impact on nearby vs. faraway beneficiaries is physical and social distance and they operate independently. […]

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Cleaning Up Digital Fundraising’s Political Pigpen

Among the lessons I’ve learned over my 60 years in this trade is that whatever the new fundraising technology it produces the same types of reoccurring problems and battles. Then after a suitable period of donor abuse, handwringing, name calling, litigation, legislative threats, and some governmental regulation things calm down and a sort of generally […]

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Is Your Quest for Relevance Spewing CO2?

People who say messages must be relevant or authentic are often guilty of putting extra CO2 into the air.  These are extra words.  Nobody’s advocating or aiming for the opposite.  More critically, these extra words are rarely followed with specifics – as in how, exactly. The path to relevance is, like Hell, paved with good […]

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Happy or Sad?

If you don’t show a sad face you’re not showing the need and therefore, reason to give.  If you show a sad face you’re guilting people into giving and undermining the resilience of the beneficiary. Happy! No, Sad!   We want things to be as simple as possible, but not simpler.    Arguing for one over […]

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Is Your Data Noisy and Ambiguous?

Do you prefer noisy and ambiguous or clear and explicit?  Doubt anyone would say the former but the sector, ironically, relies almost exclusively on the noisy and ambiguous kind of data. The person, Clicked – did they click out of idle curiosity or with intent?  Did the context (e.g., time of day or mood) impact […]

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