Award-Winning Blog

A Bad Bet

Grammarly is an online tool to help users improve their writing by correcting grammar, spelling, punctuation.  It uses reams of machine learning and natural language processing technology to analyze text and provide suggestions for improvements to improve tone or clarity. It has done three rounds of private financing in amounts, $110 million in 2017, $90 […]

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Keeping the Soul of Fundraising Alive

Few people pay attention to publishers in the fundraising field. Probably because it’s human nature to take for granted that which deserves our genuine gratitude because we assume it will always be there.  You know, things like water (until wells and rivers run dry) or food (until war, drought, floods, and poverty starve or kill […]

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The Danes Nailed Identity

The team of 4,297 Agitator/DonorVoice highly paid, professional researchers were certainly asleep at the switch in 2017 when this ad from Danish broadcaster TV2 first aired. Let me first get my biases out of the way.  I’m maritally required to love Denmark, which comes easy because I love Denmark. Having said that, I think you […]

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What Gets Measured Can Be Better Managed

We manage lots and lots of thing that we don’t measure at all or well.  That’s the nature of business and human enterprises. But, I’d argue measuring makes managing better.  The question isn’t can we measure or should we but rather, what’s worth measuring.  ‘Worth it’ is often traded off for easy.  Take engagement data.  […]

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“Everyone Who Talks About Heaven Ain’t Goin’ There”

It’s Presidents Day here in the U.S. Ostensibly created to honor all who’ve served as U.S. Presidents (once it was celebrated as George Washington’s Birthday but now it’s inclusive of all), judging from tv spots and social media ads it’s morphed into a consumer festival dedicated to discounting mattresses, refrigerators, cars and just about anything […]

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Sustainers Going to the Dogs–and Cats.

This is Pickle.  Once his name was Dime, as in a “dime bag” of heroin. But that was before he was rescued and the shelter changed his name.  The shelter also helped change our lives when we adopted him early in the pandemic.  He’s produced a thousand times more happiness and joy than there will […]

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