Award-Winning Blog

AGITATOR WEEKEND: Bailouts and Debates

  The Agitator’s Week In Review.  This was a week for politics, beginning with the Washington, D.C. soap opera over the on-again-off-again bailout of the  U.S. financial system and ending with the on-again Presidential Debates in Oxford, Mississippi. Regardless of where you stand on the bailout you have to feel a sense of pride last […]

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Rate Your Website Against The Candidates’ Sites

Over on Convio’s blog, Connection Cafe, their staff has been comparing the websites of Obama and McCain on key attributes like accessibility, ease and clarity of navigation, and — of most interest to me — engagement features and pathways.Online politicking pundits, like the folks at TechPresident (who, BTW, are doing a brilliant job of reporting […]

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Don’t Just “Watch” The Candidates Debate

It used to be that “good government” advocates like the League of Women Voters and high school civics teachers were thrilled if anyone merely watched political debates!With the advent of the web’s online engagement, viewing and social networking options, however, the “good citizen” bar has been raised substantially.Now you can vote instantly on the winner, […]

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Cell Phoners For Obama

Here is a fascinating report from Pew Research Center indicating the bias of cell phone-only respondents to political polls.Pew has conducted three surveys on presidential candidate preferences since the primaries ended. In each case, they isolated the responses of individuals who reported using cell phones only.Amongst these respondents, Obama holds a significant advantage (10-15 percentage […]

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Failing Grade In Political Intelligence

This recent survey by the Pew Research Center has found that of the 44% of the public that goes online regularly at work, 70% check the news through the day.But what news are they following?Observes Pew:“The quest for news at work might come as a surprise in the face of findings about the public’s news […]

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Hispanics see worsened outlook

Hispanics total 46 million in the US, or about 15% of the population.A recent survey by the Pew Hispanic Center indicates they are becoming more pessimistic about the outlook for Latinos in America, with some of this discontent rubbing off on the Republicans.50% of Hispanic adults say the situation for Hispanics in this country has […]

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