Award-Winning Blog

Give Donors A Chance to Listen to the Silence

The world is literally louder than at any prior time in known history (maybe the dinosaurs made a lot of noise?) Emergency sirens need to be loud enough to cut through the noise clutter and as such, are a good proxy for the loudness of our world.  Today’s sirens are 6x louder than 100 years […]

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What Fundraising Can Learn From Soccer Fans

Soccer (football for our non-US readers) fans are (in) famous for their fandom. During a 2002 Real Madrid vs. Barcelona match a Barcelona fan threw a pig’s head onto the field because he was so angry seeing a former player from his team wearing the white of Real. That fandom is an Identity, one causing […]

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Prince George and Lil’ Pump?

Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2013 includes Prince George and Lil’ Pump.  We routinely preach focus on what makes people the same and different on the inside. Having said that, does anyone, at first blush, gut reaction think these two are likely to hold a similar world view? The U.S. has 72 million millennials.  […]

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New Tricks for “Old” Fundraisers

The adage, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is, of course, nonsense.  A metaphor so often used as an excuse to adapt and change. Kevin’s post on Doggy Personality got me thinking even more than I usually do about change and risk-taking,  His post outlined how a donor file could be tagged, at […]

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Doggy Personality

I’m a dog person.  I have two dogs and my children and wife only semi-kiddingly suggest the dogs are my top priority.  They always agree with me and never complain, what’s not to like? Turns out my dog choice is a reflection of my personality.  Neurotic people have neurotic dogs (plot on left) and extraverted […]

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Homogenizing the Crap Out of a Heterogeneous World

Two hundred years ago, black/white/gray products were about 15% of the total. Today?  Closer to 60%. 7 out of 10 cars are black, white or gray.  Gray is the most popular interior carpet color. The most popular paints?  Fog, Mist and Linen, which as you might guess, ain’t exactly colorful. What’s causing this?  Big data.  […]

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