Award-Winning Blog

Direct Mail vs. Online Acquisition – II

“Can't we all just get along?” asks Kim Cubine of direct response fundraising agency Adams Hussey. She's commenting on yesterday's Agitator post, which referenced the “Great Debate” at recent Bridge Conference between direct mail and online donor fundraising. Nothing like hard data to back up a point! Here's her full comment: “Instead of debating which […]

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Direct Mail vs. Online Acquisition

The recent Bridge Conference in Washington focused attention on the need for nonprofit fundraisers to integrate their direct mail and online channels. Here's a good summary of key points from Karen Taggart at Care2, as published by FundRaising Success Advisor. As we see it, for virtually all nonprofits, direct mail is still the acquisition king. […]

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Is Your Nonprofit More Inspiring Than A Vacuum Cleaner?

Too many nonprofits treat their donors as just that … money givers. They don't recognize that at least some donors (your “best customers” so to speak) are probably motivated and prepared to take the further step of affirmatively championing a cause or charity they're involved with. Traditionally, we tend to wait for donors to cross […]

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Going To The Dogs

Why in the world, given all the human misery and global angst, is the number of donors supporting animal welfare organizations rising while all other sectors–human rights, civil liberties, the environment and health — remain flat or in decline? The release this week of Target Analysis Group's Quarterly Index of National Fundraising Performance for the […]

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More Reasons To Monitor Prez Campaigns

We periodically remind our nonprofit org readers to monitor and learn from the communications practices of the presidential campaigns. So here's plenty to stretch your mind on a Monday morning. Not everything these guys do is brilliant, but the campaigns are a hotbed of experimentation with new media approaches. For example, here's a good Washington […]

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Managing The Alumni Experience Online

We saw this press release from online marketing agency Kintera, and thought it worth passing along. The University of Notre Dame uses Kintera technology to manage its alumni experience, including sophisticated social networking and engagement capabilities, as well as fundraising. With about 120,000 graduates active in more than 300 alumni clubs, we imagine the challenge […]

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