Award-Winning Blog

Fishing With The Right Gear

Campus Progress, youth-oriented arm of the Center for American Progress, has been running a multi-media campaign dealing with the burden of student debt. The campaign involves online video ads running on the Washington Post and sites (and viewable on YouTube), as well as on theater screens in eight cities, video banners on .edu-targeted sites, […]

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Who Deserves The Credit?

We at The Agitator consider ourselves determinedly independent when it comes to politics, so we won't weep if a few progressive Republicans were elected here and there across America yesterday (though we're hard pressed to think of any … maybe Arnold). That said, we can live with the Dems winning control of the House, and […]

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Still Waiting for the Revolution

Today, as voters go to the polls and we await the returns of the mid-term elections, others are already hard at work strategizing, politickin' and prognosticating about the forthcoming 2008 presidential campaigns. Yesterday's release of the Pew Research Center's study tited “The Internet and Politics: No Revolution, Yet” is great food spiced with a a […]

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Reprieve for Postage Meters

Ginger Stickel, like most Americans, has been getting a lot more junk mail these days.” Thus reads the lead in a New York Times piece headlined “Junk Mail is Alive and Growing”. Ahhh, music to my ears. Remember back just five years when so many industry pundits predicted that the internet and e-marketing meant the […]

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Meet Youthful Passion – Mary Joyce

How refreshing it is to “meet” Mary Joyce, the latest “Person of the Week” from Politics Online. Mary's short career began in 1999 as a high school volunteer for the Bill Bradley presidential campaign. But her true love — using digital technology to empower citizen activism in developing world countries — seems to have been […]

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Er … Hats Off To Hooters?

Hooters (yes, that Hooters) just announced that the Gulfport (MS) Hooters was the top restaurant in the 430-location chain’s annual fundraising campaign on behalf of breast cancer research. The campaign overall raised about $135,000 from customers, to which corporate Hooters added another gift of $500,000. Not a bad day for breast cancer research. Kinda gives […]

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