Award-Winning Blog

We’re In It For The Money

In a wonderfully refreshing, if somewhat immodest manner, Bank of America is touting what it calls “the initial reults of the most comprehensive survey to-date of the philanthropic behavior of of weathy Americans.” The survey, conducted by the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University and paid for by Bank of America, reflects the opinions of […]

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Watch And Learn – The Dove Evolution Campaign

Dove, the soap people, have a “Campaign for Real Beauty” underway which is “must see” for folks who question whether consumer marketers can teach nonprofit marketers a thing or two. To say nothing of folks who care about what real beauty is. In this case, a powerful 75-second video, titled Evolution, triggers a dialogue about […]

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Oprah and the Gift of Giving Back

On her show that aired Monday, Oprah Winfrey gave more than 300 audience members each a $1,000 debit card sponsored by the Bank of America to donate to a charitable cause. Famous for giving members of her audience new cars, paying off their debts, or fulfilling their wildest dreams, Oprah has now given what she […]

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Campaign Ads To Be Ashamed Of

We're now a week away from the long-awaited mid-term elections. Conventional wisdom runs deep that the GOP will post big losses and the Dems will gain. Meanwhile, the remaing days of the campaign countdown will find millions of television -watching voters exposed every 10 or 15 minutes to a barrage of campaign spots. The New […]

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Into the Darkness: An Editor’s Plea

Each day five or six of us read dozens of news items, a half dozen polls and research studies and try our best to put together the 'editorial budget' for The Agitator. Noble, sure. Effective, I'm not so sure. Why? Each week hundreds of regular, repeat readers visit this site. You are folks who clearly […]

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You Can Win $1,000, Maybe Even $100,000

No, not by completing our Staying Ahead of the Curve survey (see right column, top). For that, you simply earn our gratitude and some insight into how your peers are doing when Agitator reports the results. For $1,000 or $100,000 in prize money, you need to win Carson Daly's (originator of MTV's “TRL” phenom) “It's […]

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