Creative That Works For Social Media

May 15, 2009      Admin

In Online Spin, Joe Marchese of socialvibes offers this good advice regarding the kind of advertising that will work in online social media.

As he sees it, the requirements are:

  • Interaction — but more than a simple click-through to a landing page or micro-site;
  • Customization — let "them" put their stamp on "your" brand;
  • Socialization — as Joe says: "Advertising can start conversations, not always between the brand and a consumer, but between two consumers (better known as people). People want to have a reason to talk to each other; sometimes it’s just a matter of knowing what to talk about … if your advertising creative induces two people to start a dialogue … users will love you for it."

I think he’s right. But I’d broaden this by suggesting these three ingredients are the mandatories of all good online communications these days.


One response to “Creative That Works For Social Media”

  1. F. Pat Englert says:

    I’ve been paying a bit of attention to the discussions on the new social networking and how it impacts non-profits. In reading the Philanthropy Network Newsletter, I was drawn to an online initiative from Target stores, allowing online voting to help them direct their contributions to non-profits. After placing my vote (there were 10 choices), I shared the webpage on Facebook, and within an hour there were 4 or 5 of my FB friends who had done the same, and as well leaving comments about the relative strengths and (mostly) weaknesses of such an effort by Target.

    It seems mostly win win situation: a few non-profits get a little more $$ thorugh online input, and Target gets the positive PR (I would presume most who participate in the Target effort are not, like my FB friends, part of the non-profit/development/fundraising world, and so see Target in a much more positive light because of it.

    But here’s my quesiton: how do those in my circle who had constructive/critical thoughts about Targets efforts actually get those points across to Target?