Customer Feedback, Corporate Style

June 9, 2017      Tom Belford

In his post on the importance of donor feedback and experiences yesterday, Roger lamented:

“Although the commercial world spends literally billions of $ seeking feedback on customer experiences — like the surveys you get after an airline flight, a hotel stay, or an online purchase — it continually amazes me that few organizations who consider themselves donor-centric make any effort to listen to listen to their donors and learn from their comments and complaints.”

Here is an example describing how one commercial marketer seeks customer feedback, how they use it, and its value to them.

From The North Face, which collects feedback on product performance as a well as surveying customers on purchase behaviour and intentions.

Says The North Face: “We are seeing our efforts reflected in our business as well, with an increase in same-year repeat purchase and year-over-year repeat purchase. For example, the overall rate of repeat (same year) for VIPeak members is about 20 percent higher and the overall repeat (year after year) of VIPeak customers is 50 percent higher than comparable non-VIP customers. Our primary measures of loyalty are engagement, channel performance, and repeat purchase.”

And responding to customer feedback and observed channel preferences:

“Customers are shifting more of their time to mobile so we are continuing to adjust our mobile offering to accommodate that.” And: “We are educating our retail associates about the consumer benefits of the VIPeak Rewards program and developing resources to help them build more in-depth relationships with their best customers, including activities that get customers outside. We are actively working with our stores and store associates to help build more of these customer engagement opportunities.”

Bottomline: Listen to feedback and adapt.


P.S. I pulled this example from Loyalty360 … “The association for customer loyalty.” I read their daily e-newsletter, which is often full of arcane examples of the latest loyalty point schemes and rewards … not of much relevance to nonprofits and fundraisers. But it does provide a very good window onto the strenuous efforts commercial marketers make to retain customers, and for most of these marketers, the first step is collecting customer feedback at every conceivable touch point.


4 responses to “Customer Feedback, Corporate Style”

  1. Lisa Sargent says:

    Roger and Tom: in the learning-from-corporate vein, Agitators and Agitatorettes might benefit from Gartner Research Director Augie Ray’s customer experience (aka CX) blog. I do.
    (H/T @denisacasement for pointing the way to Augie.)

  2. Remember, we’ve got the Ultimate Guide How-To Guide for Conducting Nonprofit Donor Surveys here:

    Full disclosure… I invented the only fully robust donor survey platform for the fundraising industry- SurveyGiftmaker.

  3. Also, I had the foremost expert in customer service for the private sector (serving Fortune 500 companies) do a webinar for us on employing customer service methods to increase donor retention.

    You can get the recording here for free:

  4. To,
    Mr. Terry Pious Pereira ( S/o War Veteran ), USA.

    Sir Gregory Warner ( Chairman / Founder / CEO ), USA.

    Sub: Happy to go through Sir Richard Shapiro ( TCFCR )’s information.
    Most Respected Sir
    Hope you and all are fine. Happily gone through your video and highly appreciated. I promise to give you my highest appreciation in my duty for life time. Looking forward to your humblest response. May Lord Jesus Christ bless you and all with full of happiness forever and ever.


    Trillion thanks!

    Yours most obediently,
    Terry Pious Pereira.