Email Fundraising Tips

October 24, 2008      Tom Belford

Here is a useful article via Marketing Sherpa regarding best practices for email fundraising. It’s focused more on the copywriting aspects of email appeals.One thing this checklist drives home for me is the importance of testing email subject lines. These “headlines” are crucially important … sitting atop identical body copy, they can spell the difference between lousy or average response and blockbuster returns. Remember, if they don’t open the envelope … !Particularly if you have a large e-file to work with, if you are not routinely testing email subject lines, you oughta be fired!Tom

One response to “Email Fundraising Tips”

  1. Philip King says:

    I find even more important that “Subject Line” is “From” field. We’re trying to help our fundraising clients understand how important it is to get the “From” field strategy right.

    Thanks for the great content,