Is Community Service The New Green?

February 6, 2009      Tom Belford

This story from Brandweek says Yes.

One marketer says "green" is too intellectual … the payoff for getting involved is too distant.

Others attribute a surge in community service to the exhortations of President Obama.

Here are two excerpts that struck me …

"Perhaps no community service push received more attention of late than Starbucks “I’m in” push which also involved the HandsOnNetwork. Consumers who pledged five hours of community service, between Jan. 21 and Jan. 25, received a free coffee. More than 1.3 million hours of service were pledged."

Not bad! And …

"Community service has a bigger impact than green messaging “because there is cause and effect,” said Sinek. “Green is too intellectual. Community service is in your backyard. It directly impacts your life. It happens immediately—not 50 years later in the ozone layer.”

What about your area? Are you sensing this trend? In down times for the economy, do you think more volunteerism will substitute for giving money?


One response to “Is Community Service The New Green?”

  1. Brenna says:

    We don’t want it to substitute, but are definitely exploring ways that volunteerism can supplement donations.