Online Video: Viral Isn’t Everything

May 5, 2009      Admin

Interactive marketing consultant Heidi Cohen offers this useful checklist of things you should consider and plan if you’d like to execute a successful online video campaign.

Her checklist includes specifics in each of the following categories:

#1 of course is "Set marketing goals" — is your objective to increase brand awareness,  sell a message, solicit a donation, encourage engagement with the content itself, something else?

Then there’s …

2. Define target market;
3. Develop your video content strategy;
4. Support your online video with related marketing; and,
5. Measure results.

Heidi comments on the phenomenal viewership of the now-famous, at 170 million views and counting, Susan Boyle video, asking in effect … But is it marketing?

If you’re trying online video, ask yourself … do you want views, or tangible response? Of course you should want both. But too many online videos concentrate on "clever" in hopes of triggering a viral explosion, while neglecting the elements that might deliver your video to the optimal prospects and encourage more actual closure.


3 responses to “Online Video: Viral Isn’t Everything”

  1. Online Video: Viral Isn’t Everything | The Agitator – Fundraising, Direct Marketing and Advocacy Strategies for Nonprofits…

    “If you’re trying online video, ask yourself … do you want views, or tangible response?”…

  2. Mikey Ames says:

    Great point.
    There are some good examples of a good blend between views and well positioned marketing. Blendtech’s “Will it Blend?” comes to mind.

  3. Great article! Thanks for the tips. At the advice of an internet friend I recently purchased the Vameo Video Camera. It is Ph.D. camera (push here dummy) and I LOVE it! I have taken 10 videos at various networking events and the quality is good.

    My biggest challenge has been finding time to now upload. Soon, though, soon!

    Have a great day,

    Heidi Richards Mooney, Publisher WE Magazine for Women