Optimize Your Personal Brand

March 10, 2009      Admin

G’won, admit it … you google your name every now and then!

And what "personal brand" emerges?

In this article from Online Spin, Max Kalehoff of search marketing firm Clickable advises that folks who want to stand out and get ahead had better put some serious thought to their online "personal brand." He predicts that before too long "digital personal optimization" services will emerge … folks who help you burnish your personal online image!

Your personal brand is the net effect of the profiles you deliberately create on social and business networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn, personal and company/organizational blogs and websites, as well as other online exposure, potentially more extensive, of which you might not be quite as conscious if you’re in the habit of making submissions to public bodies, getting quoted in the media and trade press, giving speeches and so forth.

Awhile back, Seth Godin offered this amusing caution (depending on your perspective) about "personal branding" in the age of Google … based on someone’s search for a housekeeper via Craigslist. The morale of the story … if you’re proud to be a binge drinker, don’t advertise it!

So, it’s OK. Take a few moments and check out your online personal brand. Does it need any polishing?!


One response to “Optimize Your Personal Brand”

  1. Yes Tom – I admit yesterday I did google myself. Surprisingly up until then I hadn’t done it. Just as surprising were the minutes of meetings in working groups I participated in that were online. A lot of things I didn’t submit are on the internet. Including a video of a rant I went on at a conference. So glad I chose to wear a suit that last day. Note to self: “Big Brother” is always watching!

    While I found the article from Online Spin very pretentious in writing style, I had to read it a couple times to figure out what they were trying to say; I really have a very simple little brain, two key thoughts emerge.

    1. Our career is going to be mapped out for us online. The old fashioned job interview and resume are becoming much less important.

    2. We now live in a world where it is just as important to teach our children appropriate internet behaviour as it is to teach them table manners!

    I too found Seth’s blog on this amusing and couldn’t help but throw up a blog of my own on it. In my blog I mused that while not having really thought about my “brand” I do see my internet presence as an opportunity to make a first impression with someone new everyday.

    Love the Agitator.

    Thank you.