Trick or Treat Copywriting

September 20, 2023      Roger Craver

The following ad reportedly appeared in the Atlanta Journal.

“SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship. Ethnicity not important. I’m a very good looking girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand.

When you get home from work I’ll be at the front door wearing only what nature gave me. Call (404) 555-1212 and ask for Daisy.”

Response ?

 Over 1500 men found themselves talking to the Atlanta Humane Society about an 8-week old black Labrador.

 Kevin’s post Is Your Writing Edited? and Tom Ahern’s comment to it emphasize the value of concise copy in keeping or holding the reader’s attention.

Indeed. powerful and concise copy is essential, it’s only one of the fundamental pillars of success.  Another is proper selection of the audience.  As noted in another Kevin post (People Don’t Give Only Because We Ask) , “They only give if it stirs a connection to their needs, values, goals, emotions.

Clearly this ad meets both requirements.  And drew  what I assume is a good response.

Only problem.  What needs, goals and connections did it stir?  Canine or carnal?  And what was the copywriter really shooting for?  A trick or treat?

Would love to see the transcript of how the Atlanta Humane Society handled the incoming calls.


One response to “Trick or Treat Copywriting”

  1. Tom Ahern says:

    Très amusant. Giggle fest here. Over 1,500 responses? Odds are good someone had a sense of humor AND wanted a great dog. Would love to see the transcript of the initial hand-wringing by those who have to approve such things….

    Damn, it’s perfect comedy.