Award-Winning Blog

Cat People and Dog People

Are you a cat person or a dog person?  The answer to that might impact your choice of a (potential) mate.  A recent study explored this and the findings dance between “water is wet”to the “trivial” but with just enough “novel” to warrant mention. Let’s get trivial and water is wet out of the way.  […]

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Milking Le Après Trump Déluge

Of one thing I was certain while  I sat glued—shocked, angered, and saddened– to the televised Impeachment trial:  Despite the proceedings’ gravity in the real world, over in the world of political fundraising it would be business-as-usual.  Solemnity, good taste and dignity wouldn’t stand a chance. And as sure as an 82-slide presentation at a […]

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Giving Donors a Sense of Choice and Volition

We know many donors would give more if they could direct where their gift went (see, for example, here and here).  Yet restricted giving is a giant pain for most fundraisers. What if you could get most of the advantages of restricted giving without the disadvantages? Directing a gift fosters a sense of autonomy and […]

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TESTING: Best Practices-Part 2

It may well be time for you to break the “test only one thing at a time” rule.  This is especially true if you’re trying to move from local improvement to a globally significant breakthrough as covered in Kevin’s earlier post (Locally or Globally?) Perhaps you’ll want to do some message testing on donor Identity…or […]

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Quality or Quantity Sustainers?

Way too much fundraising has an implicit “Or” that creates a false choice between Quantity or Quality of the donor. You’ll want to register for the upcoming sustainer webinar to learn how we can go from “Or” to “And” and hear from The Atlanta Humane Society, and One&All on how to apply behavioral science to get […]

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TESTING: Best Practices- Part 1

In his post Locally or Globally Kevin emphasized the importance of testing that gets you beyond the usual confines of the “locally optimized” (same old, familiar, more of the same) to a ‘globally optimized” (a true re-think of what you’re testing) world of testing. Over the years we’ve written a lot about testing practices and […]

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