Award-Winning Blog

The “Intention to Give” Giving Gap

There is an entire field of study, decades old, focused on the relationship between intention to do something and doing it – intended behavior vs. actual behavior. This is far more involved and practical than the too simplistic and quite misleading adage that  ‘people don’t do what they say’.  In fact, the intention to do […]

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Let Freedom Ring

The splendid and vile sides of America’s polarized politics were both on full display yesterday. As moving tributes to U.S. Representative John R. Lewis, the civil rights icon most closely associated with voting rights, were delivered at his funeral in Atlanta,  Donald Trump issued a contemptible and foreboding Tweet suggesting the U.S. “Delay the Election […]

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The Path of Continuous Improvement

Test ideas should, among other things, work backwards from the behavior one is trying to influence. Sure, the brown kraft test envelope might do better than the plain white control,  but why?  And is it going to increase response rate or average gift?  And is it better with everyone or just a select group and […]

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What Impact Messaging Works Best? The Goldilocks Finding

One of humanity’s basic psychological needs is a sense of competence or efficacy. Putting time in on something, feeling like you suck at it and are getting no better,  and then receiving no feedback or negative feedback undermines your motivation to keep doing it. This includes charitable giving. The donor’s sense of competence and efficacy […]

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The World’s Greatest Fundraising Letter, Made Better

Ok, maybe not the greatest, but one of the greatest according to Denny Hatch, who built a business collecting, analyzing and reporting on decades of direct mail controls called “Who’s Mailing What?”. You’ll find the full and fascinating story on this letter, its author and a great lesson in crisis management in the Denny Hatch […]

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Donor Acquisition in the Pandemic

In the midst of the economic uncertainty around the pandemic my guess is there will more than the usual furor over “high costs of fundraising” and spending money on acquisition on the part of boards, CFOs and CEOs.  One thing won’t change: the discussion and debate will stem mostly from ignorance Ignorance about what “acquisition” […]

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