Award-Winning Blog

The $110 Billion Treasure Trove For Nonprofits

Take a football field.  Cover it to a depth of nine inches (actually, about 9.14 inches, if my math is correct) with $100 bills. That’s $110 billion.  That’s how much money is held in donor-advised funds (DAFs) in the United States right now.  These funds are earmarked to go to a charity like yours.  And the […]

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The Power of Auto-Renewal: Why Are You Waiting?

I grew up among the Pennsylvania Dutch who constantly reminded me, “We grow too old soon and too late smart.” They might as well have had fundraisers in mind because it takes us lots and lots of time to adopt the proven best practices of others.  Too much time.  Too much lost donor loyalty and […]

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“Most of all, I learned that for all his faults, man is worthy of this world.  For every reckless belligerent who seeks war, there are thoughtful and wise men and women who strive for peace.  For all the unbridled hatred that abounds there is an even greater amount of unconditional love.  Man’s passion far exceeds […]

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Happy Birthday GDPR Or.. ‘How You Can Significantly Improve Consent’

This time last year was ‘doomsday’; GDPR came into effect. So, one year on, how are your consent rates? Not great right? It’s not surprising. The panic and confusion, coupled with a lack of resource and God-awful information meant no one got it right. A shed load of consent was lost. But, with nothing to […]

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Speed Round 2: 7 More Updates on 7 More Issues

So many things to update; so little time!  So we went back to a concept we tried, and you tolerated, last month: the potpourri post. Sustainer growth: We’d talked about the 2019 M+R Benchmarks Study, which showed monthly giving rising as one-time giving was mostly flat.  An astute commenter (all Agitator commenters are astute!) asked […]

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All Brands Must Die

Well, Game of Thrones is done (no spoilers past season one!).  And while we wait for its three spinoffs (Game of Thrones: Special Victims Unit, The Thrones Take Manhattan, and Joey), we can reflect on the show’s phrase valar morghulis: all men must die.  In fact, part of the appeal of Game of Thrones early […]

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