Award-Winning Blog

Dining With Donors

It had been years since I visited an all-night diner. So, the other night, road weary and longing for a cheeseburger and fries, I pulled into a real live, old-fashioned, aluminum clad diner and made my way to a booth with its own jukebox. Heaven. BUT… something was amiss. Out of place. Unfamiliar. With my […]

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“Sorry, We’re Too Busy to Improve”

“No one is working 10-12 hours a day. Being busy is not working.  Taking calls and meetings is a waste. Whenever someone tells me they’re actually working 12-14 hours a day [I ask] are you working or is your time filled with tiny blocks of bullshit ore are there large blocks of uninterrupted time?” That […]

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A potpourri of updates

Here at The Agitator, we pride ourselves on well-reasoned, thoughtful posts that explore important themes in depth often over a week. This isn’t going to be one of those weeks. This is going to be a week of potpourri, using the popular Jeopardy definition of “doesn’t fit into any other category.” So we’ll start with […]

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Agitator Cliff Notes: What’s Next?

I wanted to find another book to talk about today.  But the problem wasn’t finding a book; it was narrowing it down to just one. So let’s hear your votes in the Comments on two things: Is this Agitator Cliff Notes approach worthwhile and worth doing again? What book(s) do you recommend?  Roger has sent […]

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When Have You Acquired a Donor?

When you received their donation, right?  Once you have their sweet sweet cheddar in your bank account, the person has made a donation.  Thus they are a donor.  They have been acquired.  Q.E.D.  On to the next blog post. But let’s consider this in reverse.  You go to a new restaurant.  It’s so horrid you […]

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The new M+R Benchmarking data are out; I highly recommend them. I was looking to do a summary of them for you but, as with my Agitator post today, got stuck on one chart: That’s right.  The average mobile donation page conversion rate is single digits. This is why while mobile website traffic is the […]

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