Award-Winning Blog

The value of a villain

On March 9th, the Norwegian justice minister Sylvi Listhaug posted a picture of masked fighters dressed in fatigues, black scarves, and ammo with the caption “Labour thinks the rights of terrorists are more important than the nation’s security. Like and share.”  Several supporters sent flowers. Ired by this, two Norwegians started a fundraising campaign for […]

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Segmenting “Cost To Acquire” Using Identity

A couple months ago, I argued that cost to acquire (CTA) was one of only two metrics that matter in a deep, comprehensive way. (The other one, for those who like spoilers, was donor lifetime value.) And yet, CTA can lie.  If one acquisition mail package has a response rate of 1.1% and an average […]

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How Donors Choose Among Nonprofits: The Role of Identity

There’s an old joke at the right that often feels like nonprofit marketing. While we do and should have ambitions of expanding the charitable giving pie, we also want to secure our own organization’s piece of said pie. One of the points Kevin made yesterday is that organizations are differentiating themselves by creating donor journeys […]

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Low Risk Approach to High Reward Discovery

Yesterday Roger outlined the failings of alleged-segmentation systems that aren’t customized to your organization. Today, I’d like to suggest a proven, low-risk approach to dramatic improvement through better segmentation. It’s hard to get away from the significant advantages that come with being a mature nonprofit brand: you can get very good at delivery, incremental efficiency, […]

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Fantasyland Fundraising

Grandma Craver always advised:  “Never wake a sleeping snake to kill it.” And generally, I try to follow her advice. But, over the weekend The New York Times ran a blockbuster of a piece How Trump Consultants Exploited the Facebook Data of Millions. Behind the story is the tale of a voter profiling firm named […]

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The Taxman Cometh, Part 3: A Way Forward

We’ve discussed the nonprofit tax debate over the past two days; now it’s time to talk implications.  There are a few roads that lead from here, all with their pluses and minuses. Ignore the new rules.  Do what you’ve been doing.  Maybe people will still think their gift helps them on their taxes, even if […]

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