Award-Winning Blog

If You Have to Claim It, You’re Not

Margaret Thatcher said, “Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.”   The same can be said for being trustworthy or  authentic; if you have to claim it, you’re not it.   And if you’re having internal meetings about how your brand can be more trusting and authentic […]

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The Case of the Disappearing Donors

They’re disappearing. The ones who came before us, born before the TVs were in every home and before man walked on the moon. The Traditionalists, the Silent Generation, and right behind them, the Baby Boomers. We’ve depended on them. They’ve been there for us. But now, with the Silent Generation projected to decline by over […]

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Was Mother Teresa Wrong?

Alan Kurdi’s 3yr old, lifeless body washed up on the beach after the boat carrying him from the Syrian civil war capsized.  NGO’s big and small reported a massive surge in donations even though the Syrian civil war had been raging for several years with thousands of deaths and millions of refugees. Baby Jessica fell […]

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My Dog And Curvy Lines

My dog, like many dogs, instinctually turns around in circles before lying down.  These instincts predate centuries of domestication and have no modern day value.  And yet, it’s part of her unconscious routine. Humans have similar unconscious, evolutionary quirks and preferences.  For example we instinctively prefer curves over angles.  This could be rooted in the […]

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Jonnie Cochran’s Fundraising Lesson

If the gloves don’t fit, you must acquit.   That trial was 29 years ago, that line will live forever.  Why?  Sure, it was a surreal, celebrity infused, wall-to-wall coverage, media circus.  But do you remember any other lines from the trial?  There was the visual that went with the line but part of its stickiness […]

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Bipartisan For Real

In the vast theatre of human interest the spotlight fiercely chases the extremes and magnifies them in media, op-ed pieces, political discourse, fundraising campaigns, and advocacy efforts.  It’s the outliers who grab headlines, sparking debates and commanding clicks with their dramatic deviations from the norm. Meanwhile, the great, moderate majority who are more likely to […]

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