Award-Winning Blog

Continuing An Agitator Christmas Tradition

For some it’s the Yule Log. For others, mistletoe, For still others, mincemeat pie. For us, it’s Christmas carols. Here is The Agitator’s most enduring tradition. For our 17th Christmas, and into our eighteenth year, we urge you to get into a mirthful holiday spirit by enjoying to this unforgettable rendition of O Holy Night. […]

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Best of 2023: Bud Light

Why did the Bud Light boycott work?  I’ll reluctantly make the case that it did work on financial terms if only to get past that debate point and on to the point of the post, which is what we can learn from the social and psychological dynamics of it. Bud Light was the top selling […]

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Best of 2023: Hokas vs. Allbirds

Even non sneaker geeks probably recognize one or both brands, Allbirds and Hokas.   Both started as niche, specialty shoes catering to unique markets.  Allbirds first gained traction as eco-friendly, casual sneakers with the finance-bro, Silicon Valley crowd.  Hokas gained popularity with hard-core runners and specialty running shoe stores. So far so good.   But Allbirds founders […]

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Avalanche Fundraising

I’m an avid skier but mostly on-piste, making me a novice backcountry skier and it’s this bit of knowledge that makes me more likely to take backcountry risks.  Paradoxically, more knowledge and training only increase the risky decision making.   Why are the most well-trained backcountry skiers the most likely to die in avalanches? Some of […]

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Punishing Women While Taking Their Money

            Among the host of current events ranging from terrifying to troubling there are two I want to focus on:  the 100thanniversary of the introduction Equal Rights Amendment on December 13th and the fleeing of  Kate Cox, the Texas mother denied permission for a life-saving abortion from her Texas home […]

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Cul De Sac Fundraising

The echo chamber is getting louder, we tune out damn near everything not matching what we already believe and we’re much more likely to distrust people who aren’t like us. Partisan agreement between spouses was around 60% in the mid 60’s, it’s now closer to 85%.  Pew research shows partisans have few friends from the […]

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