Award-Winning Blog

Is It Anger or Malaise?

The mostly or even lightly satisfied lot is not where one’s likely to find the fuel for any movement, much less a populist one. Populism is on the rise with varying flavors of left- and right-wing promotion of the “people” against the “elite”.  The very nature of populism blaming others for negative situations screams anger […]

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Still On Vacation But Still Seeking Your Input

This vacation thing ain’t half bad. We’d love your feedback and editorial suggestions. Either in the comments or by emailing me directly at, please do tell us, Which topics should we cover less? Which topics should we cover more? Any other suggestions or feedback? Thank you, Kevin and Roger

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Halfway, Now What? Tell Us.

We convened the esteemed (read: infamous) Agitator editors and all our dedicated senior staff and researchers (read: Google search, Google scholar search and Chat-GPT) to debate the merits of taking a few days off to celebrate the quintessential American holiday, July 4th. And in a bout of irony, we decreed it so despite the staff […]

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GPT? Yes. Chat-GPT? No.

The number of people professing to be expert in AI or machine learning (and not knowing the difference) is skyrocketing.  It’s like the 19th century gold rush with con artists selling worthless mining technology. I’m going to share our experience with GPT for copy and make recommendations.  I didn’t stay in a Holiday Inn last […]

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Are Your Typography Choices Random?

Typography encompasses a lot.  This is a simplified summary, Typeface Style (serif, sans serif, script) Size (10pt or 12pt) x-height  (the height of letter “x” in different fonts) Weight – light, normal, bold Slant – normal or italic Spacing Between Letters (known as kerning) Between Sentences (leading) Layout Headlines, subheads, copy blocks Length of line […]

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Building A Bridge Or A Moat?

Your charity’s issue or area of focus needs oxygen, like a flame, to stay lit.  It requires exposure and active discourse to grow support and make material improvement against the problem. We’re all in the advocacy business.  But is your approach building a moat or a bridge? The organizations in the orange circles are moat builders, […]

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