Award-Winning Blog

Snorting Oxytocin

Attention major gift fundraisers!! Next time you're about to pop the question to a prospect (the fundraising ask, that is), squirt a dose of oxytocin up their nose. You might get two-and-a half times the gift amount that you otherwise would have! Now exactly how you get the relationship to the point where you can […]

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Lift Conversions Up To 55%

Do you really serious about raising more money online? Or capturing more activists or leads? Or selling more merchandise? Then run out (i.e., go online) and buy Marketing Sherpa's new Landing Page Handbook. Here's where. I don't know anyone who collects more hard data on marketing than Marketing Sherpa. And this empirically-driven book tells you […]

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Nonprofits’ Use Of Online Video Blossoms

In case you missed it during the pre-Thanksgiving crush, here's a superb report (free link) on nonprofits' use of online video by Peter Panepeto of the Chronicle of Philanthropy (Nov 15). Peter provides examples, with links to the videos, from the American Jewish World Service, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), the March of Dimes and […]

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Online Donors Make Bigger Gifts, Despite AmEx Study

A recent study sponsored by American Express said that online and offline donations were generally the same size. In this memorandum, Guest Agitators Nick Allen of Donordigital and Rob Harris of Target Analysis Group take exception. They argue that the hard data based on actual giving across a broad spectrum of nonprofits clearly establish that […]

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Charity Navigator Panned

Writing as a guest on the Tactical Philanthropy blog this week, Michael Soper, formerly SVP of Development at PBS and WETA, has written the article I've just never gotten around to writing. The title tells it all: Strong Marketing of a Weak Success Measure: Charity Navigator Vital Mission Hides Flawed Rankings. Soper describes well how […]

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The Secret Sauce Of Brand Loyalty

Here's a report on top brands as researched by marketing consultancy Brand Keys. #1 on the list is Google; #2 is Yahoo. Catalog-driven companies do well, led by L.L.Bean at #4 and J. Crew at #6 (Sears, Eddie Bauer and Land's End were in the top 25). The report cited above mentions convenience as a […]

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