Award-Winning Blog

Your Picture … Or Mine?

Haagan-Dazs had my picture on the wall when they were “visioning” this product. Or was it yours?! Do you have a picture of your archetypal donor or activist on your wall? Do you imagine that picture changing over the next ten years. How? Or into whom? Will it change because of something you and your […]

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3 Examples of How The Web Should Work

Call me old-fashioned, but I'm getting tired of hearing about how many Facebook friends my third cousin Hortense, or Crest toothpaste, or Barack Obama has. Here are three examples of really good informative use of the web. 1. — the Kaiser Family Foundation website that tracks and analyzes everything the presidential candidates say about […]

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Tapping Your Supporters’ Passion

People with a cause are people with passion. And guess what? They're pretty creative too … as Psoriasis Cure Now has proven. PCN has sponsored a video contest, asking its supporters to produce short videos designed to alert and engage the public about a disease that affects 7.5 million Americans. PCN spent about $15K on […]

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Tell Us How To Improve!

Earlier this month, The Agitator passed an exciting milestone … we signed up subscriber #1,000. And the pace of sign-ups (we're now at 1,049) and visits to our blog is quickening. As a group, our subs read almost 11,000 posts in the last thirty days. And, depending on which web analytics program we believe (!), […]

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Convio Delivers

Convio has just announced a package of product innovations that even I, or better still, your CEO can appreciate. Three things a nonprofit CEO worries about are: 1) recruiting more supporters within existing marketing budgets; 2) depending upon patchwork database integration schemes that carry great inefficiency costs (and data integrity/security risks); and 3) keeping pace […]

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9 Mistakes To Avoid In Online Campaign Landing Pages

Here from is a good list of mistakes to avoid in building effective landing pages for your online fundraising and advocacy campaigns. Details at source. 1. Mismatching URL and page topic to user inquiry 2. Below the fold call to action 3. Collecting unnecessary information 4. No testimonials 5. Too many calls to action […]

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