Award-Winning Blog

Does Your Copy Feel Personal and Readable?

NextAfter has run and published more email test results than you can shake a stick at.  What have they learned?  More conversational and natural copy wins.   A water is wet finding?  Maybe, but there is a big difference between believing this or knowing it and having copy that does it well.   Our sample […]

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We Don’t Write So Good. And How to Easily Fix It

This is the cover page of the co-branded, jointly produced report on the state of email copy from NextAfter and DonorVoice. In this case, you can judge the book by its cover.  It’s a large email sample and the report is visually appealing, easy to read and easy to find nuggets of goodness. One of […]

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Is BLM Protester the Same as Covid Anti-Lockdown Protester?

Comparing BLM protesters to Anti-Lockdown protesters probably seems like comparing pagans and Christians or saying left is right and up is down.   It’s far more common for those on the political right to characterize BLM as Antifa fascists promoting violence and those on the left describing Anti-Lockdown as ignorant, gun toting racists promoting violence. Violence […]

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Ask Amounts: $.99 and Upgrading

We wrote last week about the allure of $.99 pricing in the consumer world and argued for testing with $.99’s in the ask string. The best test is appending education to your file (cheap, quick and easy) as proxy for numeracy,  and having a split test since more numerate and less numerate people process prices […]

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Fundraisers Are Not In The Persuasion Business

Our business is fundraising.  We try to get folks to engage in helping behavior, giving and doing.  We are not in the persuasion business. If we were,  we’d be out of business.  As Jack Trout, famous ad man said, “if the job is to persuade people, don’t accept the job.” Our job is to meet […]

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Write Like An Academic?

In our world, writing like an Academic is bad.   That is intuitively known and empirically proven with Copy Optimizer.  You don’t want your copy sitting in the bottom left quadrant – no story and informationally dense. As it turns out, it’s also bad for Academics to write like an Academic in Academia.   A study took […]

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