When I want the latest scoop on how the Internet is being used to pursue political and cause objectives, Politics Online is the first place I stop. They manage to find cutting edge examples worldwide of new communications technologies being put to practical use for electoral and issue campaigning.
I don't know if he's running or not. But if you want to see creative use of the Internet in the months ahead, Gore's effort to mobilize folks on global warming is the campaign to watch. Here's how he's using MySpace to promote and engage folks around his doc, An Inconvenient Truth.
The Bivings Group, an Internet consulting firm, reports that 96% of 2006 Senate candidates have campaign websites, 23% have blogs, 15% have Spanish-language content, and 5% have podcasts. Read full report.
The true $$ potential of email-acquired names is only captured through integrated marketing campaigns, where online solicitation is complemented by direct mail and telemarketing. These “complementary” channels often return more dollars than the online channel used to identify and enlist prospective donor/activists in the first place. If you're not moving in this direction, you oughta […]
Thanks to PoliticsOnline.com I've just learned of a hot Latino website, Mi Gente. Definitely worth checking out if your organization is interested in reaching Latinos. Here's what PoliticsOnline says about the site: MiGente.com Harnesses Latino Power The largest U.S. Web site geared towards Latinos just got better. This week, Community Connect upgraded its social networking […]
Some interesting online acquisition data from Amnesty International, as reported by Nick Allen of Donor Digital. His example confirms what we've seen elsewhere … significantly higher average gifts from online donors can more than offset higher acquisition costs. And notice the admirable extent of testing in this campaign. If you want to dig deeper into […]
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