Award-Winning Blog

Chip Craver: A Kindly Presence Dead at 77

My younger brother, Forrest “Chip” Craver, is dead.  He would have turned 78 this week on the 26th.   Covid-related pneumonia got him. Forrest E. Craver, III earned his living as a copywriter and fundraiser.  But he was so much more. Chip was that rare and kindly presence whose outrage at injustice never dimmed, never gave […]

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First Aid for Giving Tuesday

We don’t need analysts or fortune tellers  to predict the two greatest self-inflicted injuries on Giving Tuesday. The first will involve stupidly or fraudulently executed matching gift offers. The second,  equally stupid and inexcusable failure to meaningfully thank donors for their participation. Here are simple steps you still have time to take to avoid unnecessary […]

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Lazy Labels

We write about Identity but how do we best write to an Identity?   Does invoking the label help show we know who they are?  For example, “as a dog lover…” What about those health charities out there whose entire approach to ‘tailoring’ of appeals to supporters they know have the disease is tweaking the lead-in […]

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Try Dying for Giving Tuesday

Rather than featuring the horrifically over-used matching gift offer or the  ubiquitous “Give because it’s Giving Tuesday” non-motivational message, why not try a giving call-to-action that features something very much on donors’ minds these days? Death. At the outset of the pandemic, many organizations were nervous about their planned-giving communications, wary that they would appear insensitive. […]

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Donor Geography: West Coast is From Venus, Southeast is From Mars

We’ve written extensively about the Big Five of Personality psychology and how to measure Personality and use it to tailor messaging to get beyond the unsatisfying world of one-size-fits-all. ( See here, here and here.) Importance of Personality Why Personality?   It predicts health, morbidity, occupation, entrepreneurship rates, innovation, political values, regional stereotypes, income inequality and […]

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Do You Have a Big Number Problem?

Most humans have a big number problem. You probably felt it yourself as pundits and politicians droned drone on and on about the pros and cons of the multi-trillion-dollar Infrastructure and Build Back Better legislation.  Do most folks really understand what $1 trillion or $1.2 trillion or $3 or $6 trillion really means in terms […]

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