Award-Winning Blog

Do we retain donors or burn donors?

Hello, world. I’m Nick Ellinger, the newest addition to the DonorVoice team. I’m excited to join an organization dedicated to improving donor experiences, increasing donor retention, and doing both with science-proven strategies. One of my pet questions is why retention is not taken more serious in the nonprofit world. Yes, we track it (sometimes), but […]

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What Does Your CEO Need To Know?

Roger’s keen to deliver a message to nonprofit CEOs (and Boards). More than a ‘message’ actually. He basically wants to ‘water board’ them until they confess to total ignorance of and disregard of fundraising. Then, once they confess, put them on the path to redemption via education. So it seems to me one of the first […]

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World’s Worst CEO And Board Member

Yesterday I turned 75. A great age for a tree. After mowing the lawn, weeding the garden,  and handling the congratulatory phone calls from my ungrateful heirs I did give a tiny bit of thought to the past. And a lot of thought to the future. My principal Diamond Jubilee Insight is this: Our sector […]

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Demographics And Coleman Sweeney

Forgive me, I still scratching my head as I write, trying to absorb the implications of Roger’s post last week on eschewing demographics as a targeting tool and then yesterday’s praising “The World’s Biggest Asshole”, a film supposedly aimed at Millennials, a classic case of demographic targeting. Or is it? The commentator Roger cites re […]

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Would You Approve This Campaign?

PROBLEM:  Overall there are currently 120,000 men, women and children waiting for an organ donation, and roughly 8,000 of those people, about 22 per day, die each year because they won’t receive the organs they need in time. Donate Life America, a nonprofit charged with developing and promoting organ donor education programs designed to motivate […]

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Are Demographics Garbage?

I was struck by the headline on a piece in Fortune that reads: Netflix says Geography, Age and Gender are “Garbage” for Predicting Taste The point of the article: Netflix uses one predictive algorithm worldwide, and it treats demographic data as almost irrelevant. “Geography, age, and gender? We put that in the garbage heap,” VP […]

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