Award-Winning Blog

Golden Givers

For your sake, I hope your nonprofit has lots of what American Express calls “Golden Givers.” As reported on Marketing Daily, “Golden Givers” are super-affluent women age 45 and under. How does Amex define “super-affluent”? You need to charge at least $7,000 per month on your card for at least 12 months! Is there any […]

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Marketing To Changing Demographics

Here is a terrific set of resources dealing with changing US ethnic/cultural demographics … and how marketers should adjust. The Ad Age article itself provides good context, but is made even more valuable by some of the resources it links to. For example, it cites a recently published “yellow” paper from AlmaDDB, written by Isaac […]

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Say “Thank You”

Fundraiser Ken Burnett says that any fundraiser who doesn’t say “Thank you” to donors is — he doesn’t mince words — a fool. In a recent blog post, Ken is responding to a donor who suggests otherwise. Says Ken: “…as a profession we are truly crap at saying thank you and welcome properly and at […]

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Marketing Mania

I follow the articles of Kendall Allen, a marketing and digital media consultant who writes occasionally in Online Spin. In her latest article, she comments on some issues that drive commercial marketers nuts, and probably a lot of nonprofit marketers and fundraisers as well. She says: “…there are at least four areas that may drive […]

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Seniors And Online Social Nets

Here’s the latest from Pew Internet Research on Seniors use of online social nets. As of May 2010, 47% of American internet users age 50-64 use social nets like Facebook, LinkedIn or MySpace, and 26% of those age 65+ do so. These age groups are much slower to try Twitter or other services to update […]

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Who Made Your Best Ad?

Or came up with the best fundraising message? Or the phrase or image that cut right through the rest of the plain vanilla? If your nonprofit is in the habit of actually listening to your donors (or the beneficiaries of your organization), chances are one of them did … or could, if given the opportunity. […]

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