Award-Winning Blog

10 Principles To Inspire Your Brand

Here are ten principles to consider as you go about defining and communicating your brand. Offered by marketer Max Kalehoff, they distill neatly what others take books to say. As a nonprofiteer, whether you think of your organization as being in the brand-building business or not, you are. Because, regardless of what you consciously do […]

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Is This Bait & Switch? – II

Last week, I described this email marketing scenario … League of Conservation Voters (whose e-list I'm happily on) sends me an email introducing an embedded call-to-action from Defenders of Wildlife. I respond to the Defenders appeal, but opt-out of further contact. Defenders backs off awhile, then hits me with a succession of e-appeals. I asked […]

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Sweating The Details

Thanks to Marketing Profs for pointing us to this in-flight safety video from Virgin America. MPs' point is: if the airline is so attentive to pleasing its customers that it went to the trouble of making more bearable the conventional safety video none of us watch, think how careful they must be about improving the […]

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Financial Times Series On Philanthropy

London's Financial Times has just e-published an interesting series of articles (a dozen or so), called Understanding Global Philanthropy. Among the topics explored … the globalization of philanthropy as technology enables donors to become more confidently engaged with distant places and causes; the impact of online technology on fundraising practices; the move to greater transparency […]

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Asian American Philanthropy

Attention fundraisers! Here's a new blog covering Asian American philanthropy, called fittingly … Asian American Giving. Also reports on philanthropy within China. Two interesting factoids: the top 50 philanthropists in China have given a total of $10.9 billion so far this year;and, donations by individuals are restricted to fewer than 20 charities approved by the […]

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Who Wants Holden Karnofsky’s Money?

I confess to having a schizophrenic reaction to Holden Karnofsky's Give Well website and blog. Karnofsky is a 26-year-old hedge fund expatriot who decided he wanted to give away some money (his own and some friends), but had serious problems with what he saw as the lack of credible metrics on the program accomplishments of […]

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