Award-Winning Blog

Check Out MSN Green

MSN has launched a new environmental channel, MSN Green, supported content and feature-wise by Environmental Defense, Conservation International, National Geographic, and Grist, among others. Not surprisingly, more aimed at informing green consumer behavior than policy advocacy. Plenty of interactive tools (you can even play along in a simulated carbon emissions “cap & trade” market), petitions […]

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Targeting Your Audience

Here are three excellent examples of melding content/message, style and medium to reach a very specific audience. Our first audience is a big one — the 50 million people in the US with some form of physical or mental disability. Targeting them is, a website combining the social-networking features of sites like Facebook with […]

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Online Video Ads … What’s Working?

Here's another one of those “blue plate specials” from Marketing Sherpa! This time it's an excellent report on what's working and what's not with respect to online video ads. Available for free only through NOV 1. Why does Marketing Sherpa expect a boom in online video ads? 1. Visual ad formats attract more consumer attention […]

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“Idol Gives Back” Starts Giving Back

Awhile back The Agitator applauded the “Idol Gives Back” extravaganza in which program sponsors and voting fans donated more than $75 million to fight illness and poverty in Africa. Critics ranged from saying this project was simply promotional hype to arguing that the money given by fans was faux charity, since they were really paying […]

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Please Take The Agitator Survey

We need your feedback! Earlier this month, The Agitator passed an exciting milestone … we signed up subscriber #1,000. And the pace of sign-ups (we're now at 1,070) and visits to our blog is quickening. As a group, our subs read almost 11,000 posts in the last thirty days. And, depending on which web analytics […]

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Do You Stand For Something

This is not a question. It's a fairly new blog from Cone, Inc. focused on cause-marketing … or what they call cause branding. Either way, if you're thinking about associating your nonprofit or cause with a corporate partner (or vice versa), there's no better source of advice and insight than Cone. This blog opens the […]

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