Award-Winning Blog

New Media Campaigning … Issues Or Boobs?

The contribution of new media to the quality of political discourse is vastly over-rated. I just got an urgent email from David Plouffe, Barack Obama's campaign manager. [There's the first problem … like I care about the campaign manager! You might as well send me a message from the campaign mascot.] What's it about? Obama's […]

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Fundraiser! Are You A Fraud, Or Just A Fool?

Jeff Brooks at Donor Power Blog just did a post that spiked my blood pressure. He — correctly — took to task a report that, over a one year period, UK nonprofits earned merely 39 cents in donations for each $1 they spent on direct mail (and 44 cents for each $1 spent on all […]

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Credit Cards Are Your Friends

Here's a pithy post on continuity giving from consultant Jim Killion, courtesy of DMA's The Integrator. Talking about the $$ power of monthly giving, Jim notes that credit card giving is the key to success, and suggests three tactics for maximizing your fundraising return: Tailored reporting — no auto-responder thank you's for these folks Targeted […]

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First Aid For Introverts

Acolytes of the Myers-Briggs personality profile project that 51% of Americans are introverts. And even introverts in the nonprofit marketing biz face days when they must undertake that most dreaded chore … sell themselves! Many would say that the messenger is as important to successful persuasion as the message itself. I'm convinced that's true. In […]

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Nothing Like Passion In Politics

Last week we reported on the impact of video watched online … it gets people to do things! The data on online video use we cited was a year-old, ancient in the web timescale, so here's some new data from ComScore, from March 2007: 71% of US internet users, or 126 million folks, streamed 7 […]

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Is Tele-Fundraising Dead?

Thanks to Don't Tell the Donor, we saw a news report recently that the Republican National Committee had fired all 65 of its in-house telemarketers. Figures given by one solicitor indicated that 2007 phone contributions might be down nearly 40% from 2006. We wondered, “Is this just the result of a lousy political climate for […]

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