Award-Winning Blog

Evaluating Your Online Investment

A recent review of some of Convio's online benchmarking data reminded me of the importance of true bottomline metrics. Especially in view of results from a recent survey by blogger Nancy Schwartz at Getting Attention indicating that barely one-third of nonprofits actually measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. Unbelievable! The other two-thirds should be […]

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What Does It Take?

I just read the results of a client's survey that, among other things, was seeking to identify the issues that respondents regard as “crucial to the well-being of the country.” Out of eighteen issues offered to a constituency that tilted “liberal” on social issues, only 20% selected “fighting for a better life for disadvantaged Americans” […]

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Taking Your Testimonials To A New Level

Testimonials from happy customers (as well as donors and beneficiaries) have long been a staple of marketing, advertising and fundraising. But with the advent of “consumer-generated-media” on the internet, the marketing initiative shifts to the “do it yourself” consumer. The net effect, as the Washington Post observes in Putting the I in Advertising, is that […]

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Have Donors Changed In 50 Years?

I audited a direct marketing webinar the other day dealing with improving customer acquisition results. One of the presenters made the case that for all the hype about database this and viral marketing that, the most important reality is that human nature doesn't change. If you want someone to respond to your offer (or appeal […]

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Digital Marketing Guide

Nonprofit fundraisers and communicators: Are you committing enough mind share and resources to digital media? Here are two useful info resources as you think about it. First, a terrific compendium of digital marketing data prepared by Ad Age. Has all the factoids you'll need for reports and planning on braving the world of blogs, social […]

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My Microphone Is Bigger Than Yours

YouTube isn't the only social networking site making political news (see our last two posts). Over the past few days the political blogs have been filled with debate over Senator Barack Obama’s MySpace mess. The “mess” involves how Obama volunteer Joe Anthony, impresario of the most significant MySpace Obama page, with 160,000 Obama supporters he […]

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