Award-Winning Blog

So Why Do They Divorce?

A couple of weeks ago Peter Panepento wrote a piece in the Chronicle of Philanthropy titled Bad Consultant Confidential. As the headline promised, it was about client/consultant relationships that didn't work out. My take was that most of the “bad endings” cited arose from “bad beginnings.” That is, either mis-communication out of the box about […]

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Idol Gives Back … And It Ain’t Cheese!

Back in March we defended American Idol, the “cheesy” (many say) pop talent show, for tackling extreme poverty. Philanthropy purists and cultural highbrows sniffed at the notion that a crass entertainment program and its grubby corporate sponsors might aspire to do good. Today we're back to give a standing ovation for their tremendously successful program […]

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Online Social Networking — Getting Serious

Many nonprofit fundraisers and communicators are getting deeper into exploring the potential of online social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. Here are two timely studies that look more closely at visitors/users of these sites and their potential value. Serious online marketers should take a look. Forrester Research has developed a typology for characterizing participation […]

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Grenade Throwers Unite!

I see that Nick Allen of Donordigital has merged with David Fenton of Fenton Communications. These guys “get” the necessity and efficacy of integrating online and offline advocacy and fundraising strategies. Nick has always been a new media pioneer. I met him in the early 80's when he was trying to do something I was […]

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How NOT to Be Relevant

Minutes, hours passed. Finally, damn near a day after the tragedy of Virginia Tech's massacre, the Brady Campaign, the voice of America's hand gun control movement, at last weighed in. All of which raises questions: Do they get it? Why so late? We can only imagine the internal debate. Will we be seen as “opportunists” […]

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Offer Expires April 25

Attention nonprofit marketers! Still looking for your viral marketing home run? Marketing Sherpa offers a great report on online viral marketing, based on a survey of nearly 3,000 marketers. You'll see what tactics your commercial brethren have found most effective, what they pay for “cool microsites” … the #1 tactic (electronic postcards are so yesterday!), […]

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