Award-Winning Blog

Who Have You Offended Today?

So asks marketing maven Seth Godin in a recent post called “Electable vs. Marketable.” Should nonprofit marketers be “offensive?” Here's his point in a nutshell: The temptation of the marketer is to try to get elected. To be beloved by everyone. As a marketer, you hear from someone who doesn't love your product and you […]

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20 Enviro Predictions For 2007

Since The Agitator has many readers from the environmental community, I thought we'd pass along the 2007 enviro predictions of David Roberts, thoughtful and witty chief writer for Gristmill. A stimulating list. He actually thinks Gore will announce he is NOT running for president (I'm guessing Roberts is really positioning himself to predict a dramatic […]

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Stats Trivia For Every Taste

Perhaps overlooked in the holiday rush, the US Census Bureau has just released the Statistical Abstract for the United States: 2007. Their own press release headlined the fact that American adults and teens will spend five months (3518 hours) watching television, surfing the internet, reading newspapers, and listening to personal music devices. That's almost half […]

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Roger Loses

Awhile back, Roger instigated an Agitator poll on the tension between privacy and transparency in the conduct of nonprofit and political affairs, including fundraising associated with causes and politics. As usual, to defend official secrecy, he laid on us a lot of angst about big brother and political despots, reaching all the way back to […]

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Election Surprise

Here are some interesting stats from the Pew Research Center on the nature of political communications in the rather intensely fought 2006 mid-terms. See how good a political tactician you are … Rank these communications tactics by the frequency with which they were used to contact registered voters. You might be surprised. Personal visit at […]

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Online Retail Spending Soars

I like to see more folks spending more money online, because that means they'll make more contributions online as well. Trust me on this. Online spending is habit forming. So I'm happy that comScore Networks, a leading online market research outfit, reports that $23 billion was spent on retail websites (excluding auction sites) in the […]

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