Award-Winning Blog

Testing Direct Mail, Online

I noticed today that PBS is going to pre-test three possible science series by streaming them first online on and gauging audience reaction. Eventually one will make it into production. This reminded me of a question I've wanted to ask our readers … Has any nonprofit marketer out there actually pre-tested a direct mail […]

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Greenpeace and ACLU Top Causes In Public Awareness

According to a new survey by Harris Interactive aimed at measuring Americans' trust of “beltway” groups, the “loser” is ACLU. Or is it? The survey presented respondents with a list of fourteen nonprofits (all well-known within the Washington beltway), ranging from service groups like the Red Cross (the awareness champ at 96%, edging #2 AARP […]

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Emitting Digital Residue

Pardon me?! Like it or not, we all do it these days. It's uncontrollable. It's relentless. And it never decays. It's your personal digital dump. The enormous pile of digital data each of us is generating as we go about our daily routines — exploring with search engines; buying things; contributing and reacting to online […]

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Cool Tool – Charity Badges

Network for Good is developing a cool fundraising tool for the volunteer fundraiser. Called “Charity Badges,” the idea is to give any individual an easy way to promote the charities of their choice on their personal blogs, AIM page, websites and, soon, web pages on social networking sites like MySpace. You can build a badge […]

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Stocking Stuffers

Santa's helper Claudia Zorn, whose day job is at GetActive, has been bugging The Agitator to steer folks toward socially-responsible shopping this holiday season. So now that we're down to the desperate last week or so of shopping, we figure it's time for some online gift purchasing. Our favorite online gift catalogues come from Oxfam […]

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Boomers To Give $6000 Each in 2006!

That's a BIG number from a survey just completed by Fidelity Charity Gift Fund. But then read the fine print and discover the sample was limited to those who indicated they planned to give at least $1000 during the year. Headline hyperbole aside, The Agitator knows that Boomers are indeed ready to rock the charity […]

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