Award-Winning Blog

Internet & Politics — 2006 Vintage

Burst Media reports that four in ten netizens have visited a candidate's website this election season, and one-third visited the site of an advocacy group. Interestingly, about 65% visited the sites of groups they knew they didn't support, or thought they might not support. Open-minded? Looking for dirt? And what do they see when they […]

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Here’s Where You Belong, If …

As usual, savvy marketer and blogger Seth Godin turns an old saw — people look like their dogs — into an important insight. His point in this case: people buy what they buy (including from whom) because it validates them. When you buy a Powerbook, a Harley, a Field & Stream, a RED teeshirt from […]

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International Nonprofit Sector – A Sliver

The Urban Institute has released a study of the scope, size and revenue of nonprofits focused on international needs and agendas. Their data covered the approximately 5,600 501(c)3 nonprofits working in the international arena with annual revenue over $25,000 and filing IRS 990s on FY2003 (thus excluding many religious nonprofits who are exempt form the […]

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Email + Video = Fundraising Impact

As far as we can recall, this e-solicitation from the American Lung Association is the first time we've received an e-appeal using an embedded video to help attract attention and drive home the message. The message here: asthma can kill … join our Asthma Walk to help raise the funds we need to find a […]

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Bright RED

RED is a organization focused on fighting AIDS in Africa that shows real smarts for harnessing powerful corporate sponsorships. RED was launched by Bono and Bobby Shriver specifically to enlist private sector support for this cause. Here's an example. The Gap is introducing a line of clothes and accessories that will deliver an AIDS awareness […]

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Get A (New) Life!

Is your real world spinning out of control? Need to escape? Or are you generally on top of things and just looking for new challenges? Then enter the latest new worlds of online 3-D virtual reality. Create a new identity, furnish an apartment, set up a business, launch a nonprofit, run for office, get married, […]

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