Award-Winning Blog

AnalyzingTweets of Nonprofit Tweeters

A study from 2012 found nonprofits do a better job of ‘engaging’ with supporters over Twitter than with their websites. That’s probably a bit like saying there is more engagement in a phone call than a press release.  After all, it’s written right there on the tin, Social Media. Nevertheless, one could always treat it […]

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Is Your Fundraising and Advertising Reformation or Renaissance?

The last 15-20 years have seen a stunning decline in advertising effectiveness.   Less effective ads are becoming more common.  Copy-catting is one thing, copy-catting bad ideas is quite another.   The traits of good advertising matter in video and static ads (print or digital) but also, copy.   Some decree this mirrors culture and there’s historical precedent. […]

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Are You Creating Pain for Your Donors?

My email inbox is still sore from its Labor Day weekend workout. As predicted a hyperbolic tsunami of email flooded forth from candidates and causes on both ends of the political spectrum.  Failure to respond would result in an end to the world,  a more dangerous and rapid rise in fascism (or socialism), and basically […]

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Hats off to you Oregon

Today is Labor Day in the US and not to be outdone, Canada too, albeit with a Pat Sajak inspired extra vowel.  But Oregon gets first mover status being the first to officially recognize the day as a public holiday in 1887. The Agitator is off today but not without a bit of Office Space […]

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Exposing and Eliminating Unethical Email

Thank God It’s Friday. It’s been a horrible week in the real world: Massive evacuations and fear of Taliban retaliation in Afghanistan… historically massive and destructive wild fires in the West… reactionary and racist anti-democracy, voter suppression legislation enacted in Texas… tacit approval by the U.S. Supreme Court of a contrived, mean and vicious law […]

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The Charity Sector Data Fishing Plague

Slice your data enough ways and you’ll find differences. I was reminded of this sitting through a conference session that shall remain nameless to protect the guilty.  But they’ve got lots of company. How many times have you seen a Powerpoint deck from one of the 3rd party data providers summarizing how your donors are […]

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