Award-Winning Blog

Hanging Up On Your Donors

I had just read Tom’s Telefundraising Reveals The Pulse containing Colin Bickley’s terrific analysis of the state of telefundraising, and some very helpful comments from Agitator readers, when up popped this headline in my news feed: Stanford Hangs Up on Telemarketing—Will Others Follow? In a Chronicle of Philanthropy piece, writer Timothy Sandoval reports on Stanford […]

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Telefundraising Reveals The Pulse

I can’t even remember the last time I read a decent article on telefundraising. Can you? If so, please pass along the link! So I’m thrilled with this excellent piece by Colin Bickley — Can Telefundraising Survive the Cellphone Age? — published in NonProfitPRO. Colin is properly balanced in his analysis, covering the growing hurdles […]

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Slut-shaming And Charitable Regulation

My only question this morning:  “Is all this really happening?” First, my inbox and social media was bombarded with news that somewhere between 3:20 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Friday  a 70 year-old man with 5 children went ape shit on Twitter, slut-shaming Miss Universe of 1996. Next, my inbox bell rings with news that the Charities […]

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Show Me Your Bookshelf

Do you even have a bookshelf these days?! Or have you — sadly — gone totally digital? In a recent post, Fully baked, Seth Godin makes a point about ‘knowledge workers’ often getting to a certain point where they stop learning and act as though they know everything they need to know. The way I’d […]

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Who benefits from your direct marketing?

Lenny Briscoe of Law and Order fame would never have said cui bono.  He would have dismissed it as fancy lawyer talk with a quippy, world-weary one-liner. But like every good investigator, he believed in cui bono, Latin for “who benefits?”.  The idea is that the person most likely to have committed a crime is […]

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No More Grumpy Fundraisers

Each day for the past 10 years Tom and I have pored over dozens of blogs, papers, presentations and speeches prepared by scores of fundraisers. Not only are we witness to the daily parade of good and bad ideas in our trade, but it’s a terrific way to keep up with changing times. So it […]

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