Award-Winning Blog

Weekend Quiz #2

As reported in the New York Times, the Census Bureau has released new data detailing the accelerating growth of immigrants living in America. These changing demographics — the number of immigrants living in American households rose 16% over the last five years — will undoubtedly affect politics and cause advocacy before long. There are already […]

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What Clout Do Bloggers Really Have?

“Why Bloggers Can't Win the White House” headlines Ad Age. With the “netroots” taking credit for derailing, at least for phase one, Joe Lieberman's re-election bid, there's plenty of bravado these days amongst liberal bloggers. But this article throws some cold water on the netroots celebration. Essentially two points of view. From Michael Bassik (from […]

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Starting All Over

Marketing maestro Seth Godin has a thought-provoking post called “in the middle, Starting.” His bottomline: “Starbucks doesn't start all over again when someone walks in, and neither does your church.” Now he was relating his comments chiefly to the bloggers world. But the point is an interesting one for non-profit marketers. What do you presume […]

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Al Gore’s Other Idea

While everyone has been watching Al Gore's high profile campaign to educate America about global warming, another media project of the unofficial President has been going well also. According to this in-depth profile in the San Francisco Chronicle, Gore's Current TV, his cable and satellite TV network, is turning a profit and reaching 30 million […]

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Return on Attention

I came across a provocative posting by former McKinsey consultant, John Hagel, in which he coins the term: Return on Attention (ROA). His premise is that marketers must transition from a world of scarce shelf space (i.e., a relatively finite set of media options/channels through which they can “intercept” potential — essentially passive — customers) […]

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Be There or Be Behind

The Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet is serving up a conference on social networks (MySpace, YouTube et al), user-generated web content and the political & advocacy implications of all this. This is a hugely important communications and citizen engagement playing field for progressive non-profits to master. Go! Attend! September 15 in Washington. And […]

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